Hasselblad Flextight X1 Scanner
Bucuresti - Ilfov, Bucuresti
Pret6.150 Euro
  • Oferit deCompanie
  • Starea produsuluiNou

WWW.ZULFAHMILUBIS.COM is one of the leading developers, distributors and manufacturers of scanners, printhead, printing machine, inkjet printer and laser printer technology for photo printers. The consistent quality of our products is based on advanced American technology and excellent Asian R & D teams. We currently offer the best products and brands from: MUTOH PRINTER, MIMAKI, ROLAND PRINTER, EPSON, HP PRINTER, DTG and FAST T JET, and many other best brands! Please visit our site or contact us to check our available product. World Wide Shipment service available! For more information on the product, you can visit our official website. You can also look for the other Simillar product and place your order directly on our official website, WWW.ZULFAHMILUBIS.COM

Store Website : https://www.zulfahmilubis.com.




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