Vand cartea "Micro and nanoscale characterization of three dimensional surfaces. Basics and applications.
Vand cartea: Ștefan Țălu, "Caracterizarea la scară micro şi nanometrică a suprafeţelor tridimensionale. Noţiuni de bază şi aplicaţii". Cluj-Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing house, 2015, 350 p. , 116 fig. , 10 tab. , 215 ref. , ISBN 978-606-690-349-3.
Această carte tratează caracterizarea topografică de micro/nano suprafeţe din inginerie, pe baza aplicării teoriei fractale/multifractale, realizând corelaţii cantitative şi calitative, precum şi compararea rezultatelor suprafeţelor 3-D cu standardele actuale.
I sell the book: Ștefan Țălu, "Micro and nanoscale characterization of three dimensional surfaces. Basics and applications", Cluj-Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing house, 2015, 350 p., 116 fig., 10 tab., 215 ref., ISBN 978-606-690-349-3.
This book deals with several aspects of topographic characterisation of nanometric engineering surfaces, based on the application of the fractal/multifractal theory, on setting up quantitative correlations, and on comparing the resulting 3-D surfaces to standards, and on modelling the surface behaviour. The book further explores the mathematical morphology and summarizes the latest studies and application relevant results.Although the multiscale nature of 3-D rough surfaces warrants a scale-independent characterization, conventional techniques use scale-dependent statistical parameters such as the variances of height, slope and curvature which are shown to be functions of the surface magnification. The fractal/multifractal approach has the potential to predict the behavior of a surface phenomenon at a particular length scale from the observations of other length scales.
The multidisciplinary approach of this book will be of particular interest and offers a valuable reference source to graduate and post graduate students, engineering students, research scholars, scientists and practitioners as well as to academics from many backgrounds.
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